

Outputs are Python objects which subclass duct.objects.Output. They are constructed with a dictionary parsed from the YAML configuration block which defines them, and as such can read any attributes from that either optional or mandatory.

Since outputs are constructed at startup time they can retain any required state. A copy of the queue is passed to all :method:`duct.objects.Output.eventsReceived` calls which happen at each queue interval config setting as the queue is emptied. This list of duct.objects.Event objects must not be altered by the output.

The output configuration option is passed a string representing an object the same way as sources configurations are. For example this outputs events to Riemann over TCP:

    - output: duct.outputs.riemann.RiemannTCP
      port: 5555

Using TLS with Riemann

The RiemannTCP output also supports TLS, which can make use of Puppet certs for convenience

    - output: duct.outputs.riemann.RiemannTCP
      port: 5554
      tls: true
      cert: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/test.acme.com.pem
      key: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/test.acme.com.pem

Writing your own outputs

An output clas should subclass duct.objects.Output.

The output can implement a createClient method which starts the output in whatever way necessary and can be a deferred. The output must also have a eventsReceived method which takes a list of duct.objects.Event objects and process them accordingly, it can also be a deferred.

An example logging source:

from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
from twisted.python import log

from duct.objects import Output

class Logger(Output):
    def eventsReceived(self, events):
        log.msg("Events dequeued: %s" % len(events))

If you save this as test.py the basic configuration you need is simply

    - output: duct.outputs.riemann.RiemannUDP
      server: localhost
      port: 5555

    - output: test.Logger

You should now see how many events are exiting in the Duct log file

2014-10-24 15:35:27+0200 [-] Starting protocol <duct.protocol.riemann.RiemannUDP object at 0x7f3b5ae15810>
2014-10-24 15:35:28+0200 [-] Events dequeued: 7
2014-10-24 15:35:29+0200 [-] Events dequeued: 2
2014-10-24 15:35:30+0200 [-] Events dequeued: 3

Events can be routed in different ways to outputs, see the Getting started guide for more details